Sprint Writers Central

Here's How It Works

Sprint Writers Central welcomes ALL writers! You are welcome to use this site to communicate with your writing buddies any time, night or day, whether there is a moderator here or not.

Just a few small things to know:

1) We're trying out a new chat box from Minnit.com. Create your own username and log in!

2) The Sprinting Box is where we go to, uh, sprint. This is where the work happens! Feel free to post your goal before you start, as well as your start and stop times so we can join you. Also, let us know your results, whether it be your word count, pages edited, or baskets of laundry folded, let us know so we can celebrate with you!

3) Cheer each other on! Challenge each other to push just a little bit more for those last few words. Let's be there as a support network for one another to get these words on the page where they belong.

4) Please treat each other with respect. Have fun, but remember, we are all here to write, so please give each other the chance to do so and be successful.

5) If you wish to turn off the sound so you don't have to hear when others post during your writing time, there is a speaker at the bottom of the chat box. It will give you a drop down menu to create your notification settings.

6) When you are finished and want to leave the chat session, go the the little gear icon at the bottom and disconnect. Or (I think) if you stay logged in it SHOULD show you as offline. Still learning about this one for sure.

That's it! Have fun and join us as often as you want! Thank you SO MUCH for helping to make this a safe place to write! I can't wait to sprint with you next!

Karen E. Hoover